This post is dedicated to The chic and cheap blog! Un sacco di amore e baci <3
I’m so sorry I haven’t been writing or posting much, the past couple of weeks were hectic. With the spring semester, the fashion show that’ll take place which I’m modeling for Yousef and the rest, and I had to go to the atelier every single day for the fittings. But one thing I had to note down was the ongoing gifts that I got every single day from Yousef: outfits and flowers. They didn’t necessarily have any special occasion, he just sent them.
I’m so sorry I haven’t been writing or posting much, the past couple of weeks were hectic. With the spring semester, the fashion show that’ll take place which I’m modeling for Yousef and the rest, and I had to go to the atelier every single day for the fittings. But one thing I had to note down was the ongoing gifts that I got every single day from Yousef: outfits and flowers. They didn’t necessarily have any special occasion, he just sent them.
Friday afternoon as planned was for Aibileen
and I to go shopping together. Yousef sent me a text during the afternoon:
Come over to my
place at 7. I would like you to meet someone.
it from?
Vladimir. He wants me to go to his apartment at 7; he
wants me to meet someone.
you go?
Will you let me?
its not like I can stop you now could I? You make your own decisions without
asking for opinions or permission. Am I right? I stayed quiet. I broke the eye
contact between us and I walked towards the other rack.
Look, I didn’t mean it. And you could go to Vladimir’s,
but don’t take too long. I smiled and kissed her cheek.
Thank you.

Aibileen, I’m leaving
now. I called
out once I opened the door and adjusted my clothes. How do I look?
look stunning my dear. She smiled. I kissed her cheeks and walked out. I entered the car and
the driver took me to Yousef’s apartment. I checked myself once again before
leaving the car; I smiled at my reflection then the driver got out to open the
door for me.
Thank you.
walked in, remembering the last time I came here and why I came. The unsteady
woman that welcomed me into the apartment, every step that I took my heartbeat
was louder and a bit faster, I could feel my ears heating up. I took the
elevator up to his place. Once the doors opened he stood there, wearing
trousers a proper shirt and a cardigan on top. He looked strangely handsome. I
love how his dress code changes depending on his mood, reminds me of myself. A
peck by his lips welcomed me and I blushed instantly. He held my hand and we
walked in. The smell of something suspiciously delicious was being cooked.
Suddenly behind the counter a beautiful, and I mean it she was really beautiful, woman stood up wearing an apron. Her golden hair neatly combed back into a
perfect slick ponytail, she had a science fictional perfectly trimmed fringe;
it was like her hairdresser measured each hair and precisely cut it. She looked like she was 25, not more not less.
Hello! You must be
Jawaher. The
way she purred my name with her strong Russian accent. Charming. I’m Yousef’s mother. Tatiana. Mother!!! Wow.
Nice to meet you. I extended my hand and
kissed her cheeks
Nice to meet you too
dear, please have a seat. I obeyed. Yousef helped her with the chair then helped
me. The conversation between us flowed naturally and bit-by-bit I discovered
Yousef more and more. The more she spoke about her son, the more I felt
special for having him; and most importantly him being the man I love.
I want to… She stopped and asked for
Yousef’s help with the word – Russian talk which I didn’t understand a word but
was fascinated by it! Apologize.
Yes, yes. I want to
apologize. For last time you come and see me in bad condition. Oh. That explains it. She
was the woman that welcomed me the first time I came here. Wow.
Oh. No no no, you
don’t need to apologize. I should be the one apologizing, showing up at
Yousef’s apartment without telling him that I was coming.
You’re cute I like
you. She
laughed. Then started talking in Russian with Yousef. Yousef looks like her I
can see the resemblance, the eyes and the smile.
dinner, I excused myself because it was getting late. I thanked them for the
dinner and left.
next day I went to the atelier. They were working really hard on the designs
and dresses; I helped with some of the stitching. Alfie and Momoko left early
to have some early dinner. I sat with Mia for a while then excused myself. I
walked out heading towards my apartment until Yousef came by his car.
Can we go somewhere? Just the two of us…
I.. Umm… Yes.
got into his car and he drove off. He didn't tell me where we were going. Until we stopped. Oh my!!! The last time I came to a carnival
was when I was a child, with my sister and parent. I smiled, remembering
the memories… He looked at me, he held my hand and we walked to the Ferris
you, my lady. He said, such a gentleman. We reached the
top and that was the first kiss I had ever had. I love you. He confessed to me. We stayed at the
carnival for hours and we played all kinds of games. I felt like my childhood
suddenly came back to me, and the memories kept on haunting me.
We went back to his place and his mother
wasn’t there. He took me to his room. My heart beating so loud and so fast it
felt so weird being in his room with him on our own.
He whispered
in my ears and took me by the hand to the balcony. It was prepared. Magical was the right word.
There were candles all over the place with rose petals scattered here and
there; just like the movies. There was a swing chair for two with pillows and a
blanket, a table set up with delicious desserts and a chocolate fountain with
berries and marshmallows on the side.
Wow. Yousef you
didn’t have to.
me, I do. You deserve much more. I blushed. He put on some classic music on: Sinatra. What a
coincidence... Just what I needed right now. He dimmed the lights, and kept the
candles only then removed his blazer and walked towards me. Shall
we? He said seductively, inviting me to join. I could feel my ears burning,
my face turning into a shade of red that matched my hair. I could barely
breathe at a situation like that, as if my voice was locked in a box that
required a key to go in my throat and unlock it. My body replied instead, my
hand slid into his softly, and my legs helped carry me towards the open space.
He placed his warm hand behind my back; once he touched me, I felt my body
senses’ awaken, something extraordinary: just a touch made me alive. We stayed
quiet for a moment. One ear just listening to the background music and the
other listening to the most enchanting tune in the whole wide world; his
heartbeats. Steady. The music ended and he sat down on the swing chair and
patted the tiny space beside him for me to join him. And I did.
me a story....
What kind of story?
story about Baby Yousef. I said as I tangled my fingers with his.
Baby Yousef, eh? Well you see my father: who’s
currently married to my mother but has a gazillion other ladies in his life...
Is a drinker. I’m saying wrong things about him, but if it weren’t for him I
wouldn’t have been here. I wouldn’t have been the Yousef I am now. I know
you’re thinking is this guy stupid or what? Walking around with his blue hair
and suits everyday. This is just an image, I am more... deep within me, much
much more. And surprisingly you’re a really good listener and once someone’s
with you they can open up to you, blurt all the worries and shameful sins
they’ve done. My aunts thought I’m gay, hated me for who I was and my cousins just went with the flow; they envied who my father is and me. I on the
other hand, took this form of hatred and expressed it through my own way:
fashion. I left Elmamlakah/Saudi a long time ago with my mother who is hated by the entire
family. We settled in Russia for a couple of years then moved to the States and
then a bizarre idea popped in my mind and out of the blue I’m here in Tokyo.
How? I have no idea. But I feel like I’m with the right people, in the right
environment. As if I belong here but also belong somewhere else; beyond Tokyo. I looked
at him, speechless. How can one be so happy with the most horrible past? And
then I remembered myself. What’s wrong? He asked,
remind me of myself.
the horrible past you experienced with your cousins and family. Except you see,
my story is different. I inhaled deeply. Are you ready? He nodded his eyes narrowing
down; concentrating. My father Rashed AlX, was married to Laila AlX an
Emirati. Laila gave birth to 3 beautiful girls. 7amda, 3alya and Maitha. I’m
not in the picture because I’m not part of that family. Daddy then married a
woman called Farah / Fara7 who’s half Persian half Indian who passed away
giving birth to twins. Ro’9a and Jawaher. Ro’9a was the twin with the weaker
heart. She was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. She had blue eyes like
yours with a hint of grey, it reminded me of snowflakes. She is much much much
prettier than me. My father passed away when we were 7, followed by my twin
sister who promised that she would always be by my side; who promised she would
never leave me… She left me all alone. I miss them… I looked
the other way. And cried, the more I remembered the more painful it was. I’m
sorry… He hugged
me tightly. I suddenly felt lighter, like part of the pain was lifted. I hugged
him back, it calmed me down.
Notice how one ear has 7 piercings? And the other one has 4. The 7 piercings are for the letters on my name j-a-w-a-h-e-r and the 4 is for r-o-d-a. She always used to spell her name as roda which annoyed me so much. I remember once when
my last tooth fell, I placed it under my pillow hoping and wishing for the tooth
fairy to bring my sister and parents back… I woke up the next morning and found
a bunch of money tied together with a golden ribbon. I cried so much… I yelled
out loud and screamed in anger and fear I wanted to strangle the tooth fairy to
death. The maids rushed in worried. I threw the money and went out for a walk in
the garden. Aibileen watched from far and let me loosen up and open my mind and
suck my surroundings. So one day when I had my spring holiday, I was having my
breakfast on my own and Aibileen rushed in, she told me to follow her. That day
I watched a bird break free from its shell; the mother fed it and kept it warm.
A few weeks later that same bird flew away free, and my sister came up in my
an only child too.. Nobody understands the feeling or the need to have someone
else; especially a sibling who could be by your side. Whom you could challenge and talk to and play with, I always prayed to god that I could have a brother that
would share his passions with mine or even a sister that I could play dress up
with. The night I laid my eyes on you, I know this sounds cheesy but you made
my soul complete once I knew you love me.
He kissed my lips that raged my blood like a chemical
We sat for hours and hours just talking about
ourselves, getting to know each other more and more. I started panicking when I
knew the time. Yousef drove me back to the apartment. I unlocked the door then
removed my heels. I carefully walked in trying not to make any noise. I closed
the door slowly behind me. And there she was, sitting with only one lamp
switched on which made only one side of her face visible.