After an hour and 35 minutes the plane landed in Kuwait, I was the first to get out of the plane, and was welcomed by my maids and drivers. I got in the car and headed to the nearest hotel.
What time do yo wan me to com?
Around 9? I guess??
Alright! Goodnight Miss
Thank you Azibo
I got in my suite and wasn’t bothered to change, I threw my shoes and was suddenly engulfed by the crisp white sheets, the bed had a weird bewitched spell.

السلام عليكم
I said.. I think I was a bit too loud? Salamt 3ala kl w7deh w 7abait 3amy 3ala rasseh and I sat down beside 5alty, and EVERYONE was staring at me which made me nervous.. et3araft 3laihm klhm, I think they were about 50 people or more.. w 3amy 3arafnyy 3ala his sons but one of them wasn’t there I have no idea why. After lunch some of the guests left and some stayed till after dinner. So one of my uncle’s son decided to show me around the house then he took me to my room.
Um... You’re Fahad right?
Gosh! How can you forget.
Sorry, I’m trying my best. Thank you so much for everything, you didn’t have to do all of this
Are you serious? You’re part of the family and we have to do this, family comes first.
Thank you again, Sweet dreams.
Sweet dreams to you too.
Ok, so let me introduce you to my wonderful cousins
1. Fahad: 29 years old, tall umm.. He's soo sweet! He made me feel like I was a long lost sister.
2. 3abdl3azeez: 26. Surprisingly he’s taller than Fahad, he’s like 200 cms Mashallah and umm he seems okay, I didn’t spend much time with him.
3. A7mad: He’s the guy that I didn’t see but his mother told me that he’s 22
4. 3abdallah: He’s sooo mysterious, he’s 17 – and is younger than me by a few months. He’s sort-of and tall thin. His hair is the best thing I have ever seen in Kuwait so far! Just like that > This guy is H i l a r i o u s. I spent most of he time with him and somehow I wasn't nervous anymore around my cousins especially 3abdallah
P S. Sorry for the delay, we were extremely busy!! Hope you enjoyed the post x
ReplyDeleteAnonymous: dont worry, we will :D just make sure you keep reading ;)